Homeschool Clubhouse

Homeschool Clubhouse at Rainbow Factory is a unique, drop-off program for Homeschoolers in the CSRA. Located just off Exit One, I-20.
“It’s a place where homeschoolers can step out of the home-classroom and into a safe, creative environment amongst friends, while mom or dad have a healthy break or one-on-one time with siblings.” – Brandi P., Director
K – 5th – *FULL
6th – 9th – 1 Spot Left
K – 5th – 2 Spots Left
6th – 9th – *FULL
*Join Wait Lists: Scroll down and click REGISTER
- Ages 5 - 15 Years
- Social Hour, Movement, Creative Enrichment
- STEAM Science Experiments and Art
- Creative Writing, Drama, Public Speaking Projects
- Fun Social Time
- Optional Hot Chocolate Bar Study Hall

Summer Homeschool Hangout
Rising K – 9th Grades
THURSDAYS 2 pm – 5 pm
Drop-In rate (must register by midnight, the Wednesday before): $35
Full Summer (7 Weeks): $210
Homeschool Summer Hangout is the summer version of our popular school-year Clubhouse program.
Typical Hangout Day…
Creative Enrichment (1 hr.)
Clubhousers enjoy exciting, hands-on experiences, including:
-STEAM experiments and projects
-Dramatic Arts
-Arts and Crafts
-Creative Writing, and more!
Movement + Social Time (2 hrs.)
Guided break-the-ice games, board games, craft supplies, and outdoor and indoor play areas are available for our Clubhousers’ enjoyment.
Clubhouse Details...
Registration is open NOW through May 2025, as long as there are available spots.
New students can start ANYTIME throughout the school year, as long as the clubhouse isn’t full. Once full, use the register link to join the waitlist.
2024/25 Dates:
-Choose from the Tuesday or Thursday program.
-Each clubhouse meets once a week on their designated program day.
-The 24/25 School year runs August 13 – May 22. Breaks and holidays follow the local school calendar.
-3-Hr Program 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
-4-Hr Program 10:00 am – 2:00 pm (Hot Chocolate Bar Study Hour, 1-2pm)
Homeschool Clubhouse is for ages 5 – 15.
All ages attend Clubhouse together, but some activities are grouped by age. To keep a variety of ages in the Clubhouse, we have a maximum of 10 students in each age-group.
K – 5th Grade – Open for registration
6th – 9th Grade – Open for registration
K – 5th Grade – Open for registration
6th – 9th Grade – Open for registration
It’s a coffee-shop-style study hall hour! Students enjoy a mug of hot or iced chocolate with toppings, jazzy coffee shop music, and cushy beanbags while getting their study on. Students may bring books, worksheets, computers/tablets (with headphones), etc. Wi-Fi is available. Teacher assistance will be available when needed, but studies are self-led.
2024/25 TUITION:
-3-Hr Program: $102/mo ($30/week, 34 weeks)
-4-Hr Program: $136/mo ($40/week, 34 weeks) **Includes Study Hour
-Annual Application/Registration Fee: $125
-Sibling Discount: 10%
**There are 34 total clubhouse days. Schedule follows the local school calendar, so we will not meet during school breaks. Tuition is drafted on the 1st of each month. First month is prorated upon registration.
Clubhouse members register for the year. However, your child may visit for a day to try it out. Drop-in rate is $50, and that is applied to tuition if child registers within the week. Please email Erica ([email protected]) to schedule your visit.
Because lessons and projects often span several weeks, attendance is important for your child to get the most out of the program, but it’s not required. Attendance also allows for relationships to build and friendships to form. Missed days aren’t refundable.
CANCELLATIONS: Cancellations require two weeks notice through email to the director. Registration fee is non-refundable.
If your child has special needs, please contact our program director, Erica ([email protected]), before registering to ensure our program is the right fit for your family.🩷
Typical Day at the Clubhouse...
Creative Enrichment
(1 hr.) Students will enjoy exciting, hands-on experiences, including:
-STEAM experiments and projects
-Dramatic Arts
-Arts and Crafts
-Creative Writing
-Guest Speakers, and more!
Lunch and Movement
(1 hr.) Students will bring their lunches, but a morning snack will be provided. We also have an inexpensive snack bar that the kids love. Before lunch, students work up an appetite with movement activities, both indoors and out, including guided stretching, minute-to win-it relays, and free play.
Social Hour
(1 hr.) Students have a blast getting to know each other during social hour. Guided break-the-ice games, board games, chess, craft supplies, and a play area are available for their enjoyment.
Hot Chocolate Bar Study Hour (optional)
(1 hr.) It’s a coffee-shop-style study hall hour! Students enjoy a mug of hot or iced chocolate with toppings, jazzy coffee shop music, and cushy beanbags while getting their study on. Students may bring books, worksheets, computers/tablets (with headphones), etc. Wi-Fi is available. Teacher assistance will be available when needed, but studies are self-led.

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About our Studio Venue
In the Rainbow Factory® Art Studio and Party Venue, you’ll enjoy two bright and beautiful class/party rooms, two bars for catering or bartending, party hosts with big smiles, an outdoor patio, and tasteful, festive decor. Seriously. It’s party perfection.
Located just off I-20 Exit 1, in North Augusta, SC, we’re minutes away from Augusta, Martinez, Evans and Aiken. 1367 W. Martintown Road, North Augusta, SC 29860
Mobile Services
Having your party at your home or other venue? Our Rainbow Specialists will pack everything up and bring it all to you! They’ll entertain your guests with dazzling creativity then magically clean it up and leave everything how they found it. Magnificent.